Thursday, August 30, 2012

2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile - Remembering the Lessons

On July 22, 1995, I DNF'ed (Did Not Finish) the Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run (my second 100 mile race and first DNF).  I made some critical errors on both the days leading up to that event and on race day.  I returned home after an abysmal race dejected and upset.  I wrote down what I felt I needed to do differently the next time I toed the line of a 100 mile.

I've held onto the list.  Though the page on which it is written handles more like parchment now the words are still legible.

1)  Drink more water the week before an ultra.
2)  Relax while traveling to the race.
3)  Eat regularly and eat foods with which I'm familiar.
4)  Don't show up before I have to.  Don't think about the race too much.
5)  Don't set myself up for disappointment.  Take it easy, relax, and have fun.  Don't race them.  Don't ever be disappointed of where I am in the field.
6)  Stick to my training foods and fluids.  Don't use things I'm not used to during an ultra.
7)  Don't eat too much or drink too much early on - moderate.
8)  Don't let what others tell me influence my mind set, strategy, and plans.
9)  If I do DNF - look ahead, learn from it, and move forward - don't lament, don't sulk.
10)  The run will be there next year!

Quite frankly, I lost sight of many of these points at this year's Leadville Trail 100 Mile.  I allowed one thing after another frustrate me and control my race.  I lost sight of why I was there and why I enjoy these events so much.

With that said, I won't bore you of the why's and how's of a day that went south, but, instead, will keep this old piece of scratch paper closer at hand.  Let's look at some cool photos while you anxiously await the next blog post which will regal you with successes of an ultra gone right.  Cheers!

A definite race day highlight was sharing trail time with fellow Flagstaffian and close friend Brian Tinder.  He'd go on to finish in 21 hours!

Atop Sugarloaf in the early morning.  Unfortunately I wouldn't see it again as I would drop at mile 73.

Leaving Fish Hatchery (mile 24).

Running on the new section of single-track trail carved out above Winfield.  I liked it!

I was so looking forward to seeing these familiar faces at Winfield.  Here Derek Schultz, my pacer for the Hope Pass section, plays photo op with Zoroaster.

I felt as if I had a dump truck on my back!  Nearing the crest of Hope Pass at 12,600'.

Crossing Hope Pass (mile 55).

Derek paces me through Twin Lakes (mile 61).

Crew member Craig Bushong helps Emily Harrison prepare to pace me through the Colorado Trail section of the course.

Your Moment of Zen

DNF:  Dog's Never Forget.  It's okay Dad, I still love you!  Lick!


  1. I'll take a photocopy of that tattered piece of paper! Great post. On on!

  2. It was good to see you at the race Ian, and I'm digging this Zen moment!

  3. Great post. I mentioned this quote just the other day to your nephew, Griff. "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. -Michael Jordan

  4. What a great list of 10 points to keep in mind before and during racing. Ultras, and 100-milers especially, seem to provide endless opportunities to learn old lessons for "yet another first time." Great post: Thanks for sharing those insights, Ian.

  5. Nice post, Ian. I was definitely interested in this one since I was there so many years ago at your fantastic finish of the Leadville 100. You are amazing! It is nice to see some Zen in your life =)
    Happiness always!

  6. I used my '95 LT100/AC100 DNFs to focus on my '96 AC100 efforts. It was the best year of my ultra career!

  7. I was googling 'what to do after a 100 mile DNF" and there was your post. And a great post it is! I DNF'd last weekend on my first 100miler. What a deflated feeling that is! One thing it did do was grow my - already great - respect for this tremendous distance. Here's to the next race!! Happy trails!

  8. If anything, you got a sweet portrait of yourself with Z. Congrats on lessons learned, and on your successful race after Leadville. It was great to see you in Buena Vista before TRR ~ your smile brightened my day!

  9. Nice laundry list of things to do/not do prior to any ultra. Great pictures, but the last one takes first prize.


  10. Hi Ian,

    I publish a magazine called "Life Experimenter" through the iTunes newsstand.

    I will be getting contributions from many big names in various industries and would like to feature you in the first issue. The magazine will feature lifestyle experiments and life hacks. (think 4 hour week, life hacker, etc...). I like your article, "Your Ultra-Training Bag of Tricks: Recovery" and would love to have you as part of my magazine.

    So that you can see what the magazine will look like, please respond so I may send you the cover of the first issue.

    Besides the usual of giving you a bio and pic to go along with the article I can also include a sign up form for whatever email list you would like at the bottom.

    Is it possible to get a feature ~2,000 word article, a video, or a short piece in the next two weeks and some high rez photos of you for the cover and interior the magazine? Feel free to recycle an existing piece if you prefer, or contact me to discuss content ideas.

    Thanks, have a great week.


    Life Experimenter - we experiment so you don’t have to. Optimize your life with proven lifestyle hacks, tips and tricks. Get healthier, happier, make more money, and become superhuman. Featuring experiments in health, nutrition, exercise, business, learning, brainpower and more. Learn faster, eat better, run further, and make more friends. Improve your life today with practical, proven advice on how to live a better, more interesting life.

    P.S. We will be featuring a "bonus report" every issue. If this is something you are interested in providing, let me know.

    Life Experimenter is always looking for new content providers. If you know of someone in the industry who might like to contribute, I would love an introduction.
