Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Hoody and a Woody: The Ohlone Wilderness 50K Trail Run

I finished my 165th ultra this past weekend at the Ohlone Wilderness 50K Trail Run.  With results that date back to 1987, this tough point-to-point northern California classic (~8,000' of gain) has been on my "to-do" list for a long time.  I finally got my butt in gear and added my name to ultrarunning history.  Thanks to Rob Bryne, Larry England, Rajeev Patel, John Vonhof, and the many other awesome volunteers that made this event such a great experience.  Full race results can be found here.  As usual my story follows in photos.

Ohlone 50K finish line collectables:  A tie-dyed hoody and a wooden trophy post that represents the trail markers found along the Ohlone Trail.

Pre-race photo op with Jean Pommier (the eventual winner), birthday boy Frank Bozanich, and the Green Pearl Izumi M&M.

At the start line with Frank Bozanich and Mark Tanaka. (photo by Gary Wang)

Coming into Sunol Aid Station (mile 9).  photo by Marc Abramiuk

The final steps to Rose Peak's summit (the high point of the course). photo by Tanford Tahoe

Descending from Rose Peak.  (photo by Tanford Tahoe)

Coming into Maggie's Half Acre Aid Station.  (photo by Jurek Zarzycki)

Rounding the bend with 2.5 steep downhill miles to go (photo by Joseph Swenson).

Finishing with ultra legend Kevin Sawchuk.

Showing off our wood.  With 10-time Ohlone and Western States finisher Kevin Sawchuk.

Kathy D'Onofrio (holding Taz) and Marc Abramiuk enjoy the finish line festivities.

Flagstaff's Jeff Huizinga finishes his second Ohlone.

Frank Bozanich and Thomas Upp finish together.

Another photo op with the famous Frank Bozanich.  Ohlone was his 155th ultra finish.

The face of a well earned finish.

Here are a few more incredibly scenic Ohlone Wilderness course photos taken by Jurek Zarzycki.

Your Moment of Zen

He lives!  Barstow, CA.


  1. I just read this article about your pal, Scott Jurek,

    And was curious if you happen to be vegan or vegetarian too? If not what's your ideal diet?

  2. Awesome! Well done! Can't believe how many ultras you've done, incredible!

  3. Glad you made it down (or up I guess) to the Bay Area again for this race, Ian! I thought Big Boy was dead-- thanks. Great job. Had I been fresh, we could've chatted longer-- oh well.

  4. Congrats Ian. Amazing race! You make it look too easy, before I know it, my name will be entered for an ultra ;)

  5. Thanks for visiting the Bay Area, Ian! See you again on the trails soon!

  6. Haha! Love the Big Boy! congrats on a great race!
