Sunday, April 17, 2011

DNF...the 2011 Zane Grey 50 Mile

Definitely Not Fun...

Believe me, the real meaning of DNF (Did Not Finish) entered my mind at roughly every mile on the mile at this year's Zane Grey 50 Mile Endurance Run.  However, in gutting it out I experienced enough inspiration along the way to keep me going.  Fellow runners, crew and aid station volunteers made my finish happen.  So, thanks to all of you!  Next year I go round number ten with Zane!  

Congratulations to Geoff Roes, Hal Koerner and Bret Sarnquist for their podium finishes at this year's Zane.

Special thanks to Larry Hutton for all the photos you're about to witness.

Bedding down the night before Zane...dreaming of not getting lost.

A morning shot says it all.  (from right to left) Bret Sarnquist: "Where's the start line?", Brian Tinder: "Where's my straight jacket?", Neko: "Where's my dog food?", Torrence: "Where's my bed?"  Perhaps the music that was playing at that time had something to do with it?

Seconds before the 5am start, near Pine, AZ.

Flagstaff's James Willis (orange visor), Bret Sarnquist (yellow shirt) and Brian Tinder (back 'n black) await the "go" word.

And they're off.

Sunrise through the tall ponderosa pines in the Tonto National Forest.

Washington Park (mile 17)...trying to collect myself.  Evan Reimondo made that possible.  Thanks man!

The falls at Washington Park.

Bret Sarnquist started conservatively but finished a strong third by the day's end.

Women's winner Andi Felton ran solid all day long.

The Flagstaff Conga line:  (left to right) 50-mile newbies Reid Swan and Evan Reimondo follow my foot-steps temporarily.

Jason Wolfe came out to pace Tinder for a spell.

James Willis rebounded well after experiencing a bad patch mid-race.

Portland's Amy Sproston made the trip only to be stymied by a recent calf injury.

A lot of walking this day.

Last year it was Karl Meltzer's arm...this year it was Sean Andrish's thumb.

Brian and Shea, his expectant wife, enjoy time together on the course.

The weekend's group: (r to l) Brian Tinder (holding Petzl), Shea Tinder, Amy Sproston, Evan Reimondo, Bret Sarnquist, Larry Hutton (holding Neko), the author.

Your Moment of Zen

Not all pacers are this creative & motivational.  


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets the "is he/she wearing pants" comments!

    You said it all when you said 44 felt like 97. Great job toughing it out!!

  2. "Definitely Not Fun but going back for number 10." Now that's a special kind of nutty.

    I bet your pacer could get a bunch of pacing gigs in that aerodynamic getup.

    Way to gut it out.

  3. Mile 44 is where it gets nice n ugly...

  4. Love you so much, bro! That was a tough one!

  5. Ian this was my first 50 and I was really concerned about getting turned around in the mid section. I want to thank you for a great job marking the mid section I did not get turned around at all thanks to you. Also great job in "gutting" it out can't wait to meet you in person.
    Thanks again for the great job...

  6. Man, it does seem like a bad day...until your pacer showed up? Is the picture most clicked on? Did it make you faster to run away from, or slower because you laughed so hard?
    I LOVE Zane Grey. My absolutely most favorite race, from my best run there, to the not so good. Heck, you are now holding time slower than one of mine! That's inspiring:)
    Congrats, Ian.
    Hope to see you in 5 weeks for a run. Bring on the pacer:)

  7. This is stunning, wall-frame worthy

  8. Hey, Ian,

    I saw you blow thru Geronimo (8), and missed you at Hatchery (33)and was too latge getting to the Finish to see you. Was wanting a quick hug. It seems I've watched you "grow up and through" all these years...keep the faith -- as you always do -- you are an inspiration to all of us. Hugs -- will collect 2 next year! Linda Van

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Tinder's diagnosis:


  11. I can't think of any better motivation to stay AHEAD of your pacer:-)
