Wednesday, November 24, 2010

JFK 50 Mile 2010: Simply Getting It Done!

Sometimes you just have to finish what you've started.  Whether it be stubbornness, stupidity or just plain silliness I toed the line for the seventeenth time at this year's JFK 50 Mile.  Needless to say I had some issues, some really inhibiting issues.  I, however, decided to continue forward and promised myself to enjoy the day as it played out.

After all, there were several things that kept me motivated.  I was here with two good friends from Flagstaff, Brian Tinder and Eric Bohn, who I convinced many months ago that this was the race of a lifetime.  I was on my ultrarunning hero's, Eric Clifton, team once again.  The weather was awesome; a perfect day for a stroll in the Maryland woods.  And, of course, this was JFK!

In short, Team Langoliers Returns showed and did quite well.  Eric Bohn lead the way for the Team finishing his first 50 mile in 6:40:56.  Clifton finished second in the 50 and over age category in 7:16:51.  Tinder finished his first east coast ultra in 7:19:32.  I finished my 16th JFK in 8:07:31.  Full race results can be found here.

I'd like to thank Noni Nierenberg for the excellent photo show you are about to witness.

A little blurry, but you get can get a sense of the enormity of this race.  Largest and oldest ultra in North America.

Eric Clifton waltzes into Gathland Gap Aid Station (mile 9).

David James and Matt McDonald roll out of Gathland.

 Eric Bohn works his magic as he rolls along the C&O Canal.

 Clifton enjoys his chocolate milk at the Antietam Aqueduct (mile 27).
 Typical towpath scenery.  Pretty sweet if you ask me.

Brian Tinder leaves Taylor's Landing (or 38 Special, mile 38).

Tinder watches for cows (and cars) along the road to Downsville.

Clifton gets some help from Noni at the Downsville Aid Station (mile 46).

Tinder heads in to re-fuel at the Mile 44 Aid Station.

Another glimpse of Brian on the last eight miles of road.

Clifton finishes his 19th JFK! 

Tinder is attended to after crossing the finish line.

 Tinder, Bohn and Clifton at the finish.

Ultra Heros:  (l to r) Dink Taylor, Dewayne Satterfield, David Horton, Eric Clifton and now David Riddle 

Glad to be done and among friends!

Does it matter if you've aged in the sport ultrarunning?  Eric Clifton and Jack Pilla dispel the myth.

 Team Langoliers Return:  In front (l to r):  Brian Tinder & Eric Bohn.  In the rear:  Eric Clifton and Ian Torrence


  1. Great story in photos, always wondered if the variety of surfaces was a positive or negative.

  2. Way to go, Ian! You are such a great ambassador for the sport of ultra-running. Congrats on your 16th finish!

  3. Stubborn and silly got you to cover a lot of ground. You reinvented your goal for the day and still got to the finish line before a lot of other folks. Bravo, Ian.
