Saturday, April 3, 2010

Looping it in Sedona

Out-and-backs are easy and lollypops are for suckers.  In order to really take in the maximum amount of beauty and terrain and get the most bang for your buck "the loop" is where its at.  Sedona, Arizona is known for its expansive red rock formations and spiritual Vortexes, but for the avid outdoor enthusiast it teems with trails; lots and lots of trails.  The hard part, though, is piecing together its extensive, labyrinth-like trail system so that you don't retrace your steps, pass through small developments and private property, run along roadsides or end up in a dead-end canyon.  With some ingenuity and map skills it is, however, possible to put together some long, adventurous loops in the area.  This day's 19-mile adventure would do just that.

The adventure begins:  (l to r) Ian Torrence, Joe Grant, Scott Jurek, Brian Tinder, Trent Briney.

Yes, even 2:12 marathoners and their new shoes were invited.

Midgley Bridgely; the location of this run's start and finish.

Atop Brins Mesa, the first climb.

James Willis joined the group randomly an hour into the run.

Views from Dry Creek Road.

Joe Grant gets his harmonic convergence on!

Vultee Arch; a possible Vortex sight.

Atop Sterling Pass, the second climb.

Looking down into where we must go and the Oak Creek Drainage from Sterling Pass.

Brian Tinder stoically looks on before descending.

The hardened crew on the First Bench of Wilson Mountain, the third and final climb of the day.  (l to r) Scott Jurek, Joe Grant, James Willis, Trent Briney, Brian Tinder, Zoroaster (in the foreground).

Looking down from Wilson Mountain.

Sedona looks small from up here!  Our cars are down there somewhere.


  1. Dayum, look at Jurker's pipes in the picture with Z! Got your tickets?

  2. Damn you guys..bummed that schoolin' is gettin' in the way of adventurin'.

