Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Missing It.

This weekend marks the third annual Tar N Trail 6 Mile Race in Ashland, Oregon (sponsored by Rogue Valley Runners):  Classiest, low-key race in the country!  It was my first ever official race as a co-race director (along with Hal Koerner).  I won't be there this year.  Here's what I'll be missing:

I'll miss seeing friendly, familiar faces at the check-in tent (Chuck, Krista, Carly and Darcy).

I'll miss (or maybe I won't) setting out course markings and road signs very early Saturday morning.

I'll miss seeing the many runners and friends come...

...and go.

I'll miss hearing everyone's oh's and ah's as they head up that sweet trail through Lithia Park.

I'll miss hearing the rumblings of discontent as runners head up the hill to the top of Strawberry-Hald Park (just past Renn's infamous one and only course aid station).

I'll miss trying to catch switch-back cutters on the Bird Song Trail descent (ahem...still got my eye on you Leuthold).

Most of all...I guess I'll miss standing up there with Hal and wishing everyone good luck and safe travels!

So, you might say after having read this, "Then why don't you get your arse back there, if you miss it so much?"  Well, for me, it's the memories and longing to be there that makes it so much more of an important experience.  One that I'll never forget.  Have fun everyone!


  1. Who's going to make sure no one cuts the switchbacks on Birdsong??

    Miss you dude!

  2. Nice post Torrence, we'll miss the copious announcements at the start as well. 6 mile race for $15 bucks and you get a Sporthill technical hat with sweet appropriate logo. $8 bucks for students. Although I had one student ask me if there was a discount if she didn't want the hat. I told her that I could pay her a $1 to run it considering the offset in cost. She was 53!

    You won't miss those questions will you........

