Friday, January 22, 2010

Running into the Blizzard

There are two things you can do:

1)  Complain, whine, and hole-up.  Watch the world from your window...
2)  Take advantage.  Get out and participate.  Succumb.

True, these choices could go for just about anything, but today, in this blog, we're talking about them in one particular context.  You see, if you've not already heard, Flagstaff, Arizona (yes, that state that most of the population assumes is a dry, dusty desert) is in the full brunt of one of the largest snow storms in its history.  It started on Monday and may, perhaps, end on Saturday?  Six days and seven feet of snow!

Personally, I've never seen so much snow fall in one place at one time.  I can't keep up with the shoveling any longer.  Like my neighbors, I've just about given up; to heck with city ordinances.  Only heavy equipment works at this point...not just snow plows but graders that are used in heavy duty road construction are the vehicles of the day.  Snow blowers lie alone along side of roads and sidewalks; lack of gas, tired operators and thick wet snow make them so.

Perhaps I should escape?  Wrong, the interstates and state routes are all shut down, closed.  Honestly, no way in or out.  The two hour drive to Phoenix or the four hour drive to Las Vegas aren't even options.  Besides, my truck is buried.  How about hopping a plane, yeah, good luck...airport's shut down.

But now allow us to get to the real nitty-gritty.  Can you run in these conditions?  Of course you can...remember option #2 as stated above?  Just succumb to it and become one with the snow.  In blizzard conditions it is truly easier done than said.  All one must do is simply step outside.  So I did just that.  In doing so, I wanted to witness first hand how others were handling it out there.  So this here is a photo documentary done in a single ninety minute run.  What do folks do or don't do when the crap really hits the fan?  Let's take a look shall we:

Okay, still driving autos here...but by the consistent siren sounds of emergency services maybe not the best of ideas?

Better to get around on some of these.

Diggin' out, again...and, um, blowing the snow into the right-of-way?

Walking with the dogs.  Good, safe option.

Doggie parties rate high on days like these.  (note:  Yes, Shelton, that is a HUSKY!)

Getting snow off the roof.  Productive use of time, energy and resources.

Uh, these folks clearly gave up a long time ago.  Hopefully they are enjoying their hot coco and have plenty of canned rations.

The road less traveled and plowed.

Now we're talking!  Small problem, he didn't know what address he was suppose to be clearing...couldn't see the house numbers.  So he just did them all!

Skies and more dogs.

Fellow runner, Vince Sherry, had the same idea as I did.  I joined him and the pace quickened.

Still saving the roof.  Group effort this time.

The Weatherford Hotel and closed downtown streets.

Piling up snow in downtown Flag.  I want to know who's gonna ticket that pile of snow on Monday?

Snow, slush and ice...perfect combo!  I didn't fall once on this run; course record!


  1. Admit it, times like this you gotta miss A-town! Hug that girl for me, we sure do miss Z-dog here.

  2. Couple of questions:

    How far was the 90 minute run?

    And, what's your favorite method for shoe traction?

  3. Hey Chuck!!! Good to hear form ya!

    In the slop I ran 10.5 miles in 1:28 (Garmin approved). I started slow, real easy, but with the rendezvous with Vince things picked up. Traction: I tried the Katoola Microspikes last night and just was hitting too much pavement, so I opted with just my running shoes this time. Worked okay, I slipped around, but there was enough snow on the roads to provide adequate traction. Good for the hammies!

    Truthfully the forest needs the snow...prevents Forest closures in the summer! But can't wait for the slop to be gone!

  4. With the patchy ice I've been running on for the past month, people are using short machine screws in their shoes.

  5. Yikes! That's a butt-load of snow! Hopefully, you can at least make it down to Macy's for a cup of java!
