Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday Morning Group Run - Schultz Creek Road

Every Saturday the Northern Arizona Trail Running Association meet for group runs.  Locations and distances always vary, but the faces remain the same.  You can learn more about the group and their runs at the Flagstaff Trail Running blog.  The runs are open to the public and don't cost a dime.

This past Saturday I met up with the crew for a jaunt up Schultz Creek Road.  Luckily for me the trail was packed out well.  I quickly found that I might have to get myself a pair of Kahtoola Microspikes in order to fit in around here.

Here's a clip of the run (taken by Neil Weintraub) and what the Flagstaff back country looks like currently. 


  1. Brrrr. Crispy! Looks like fun! Tough...but fun! Zoroaster needs a sweater, too! I will get mom to knit one!

  2. Nice Ian. That is great to see. Made it up Hitt Road this morning and it is warm here. It is too warm here!! Not much snow up on the mountain. We need some storms to come through.

  3. Dude, I just purchased a pair of Microspikes today. With the stretch of 50F weather we're having here in Boulder the trails are back to ice luges and I always lose all of my screws by the end of a run. I love Schultz Pass. What's the snowpack like on Mt. Elden Rd this time of year? Do vehicles put down a set of tracks on that?


  4. Tony,

    A little fairy heard my plight and bestowed upon me some Microspikes this morning! If I were back on the Appalachian Trail, I'd call that "Trail Magic" for sure! I owe some folks thanks! On Tuesday I turned around during a short run about a mile up from the last house on the Mt. Elden Road and could of kept going. Looked packed out by vehicles as they may have to get up and work on those communication towers? The spikes would help on that run as well!


  5. Inov-8 has a new talon with tungsten spikes for fall 10.

    Also, if you go into the HTML on those videos and change the H x W numbers on the top and bottom it'll fit the screen.

    From the master blogger!!!

